The People's Subpoena of Musk

Elon Musk,  the world's richest man, recently bought twitter on a wimp, and fired half of its staff. In some ways, this is not news. For most of this century, companies have been treating employee as expendable digits to sacrificed for the sake of profitability. In some ways, this is different, Musk's purchase of twitter is satirical and the layoffs a direct result of his refusal to plan ahead. Further, Musk has an established habit of irresponsible actions which is financially ruinous to others and sometimes fatal: Tesla's (Musk's other company) claims for self driving; the Tesla Semi; the boring company.

Behind each of these statistics is a human life. Almost surely, some of the people affected will seek to take their life; more will be ruined, their families destroyed, their children crying. We understand that for our country to be strong, sometimes the weak must be sacrificed. But these people were not sacrificed for country, they were sacrificed as a jest. 

Who is Musk that claims lordship among us? Where be our judges, that this man walks free while his victims lie forgotten? Where be the justice for widow and orphan?

In memory of Musk's victims, we request all people cease dealing with Musk:

a) If you work for Tesla, Twitter or SpaceX, quit before he fires you. If you are a banker, refuse him further loans. If you are a barber, refuse to cut his hair. If you are a baker, refuse to sell him bread. He has lied repeatedly. Society cannot accept such behavior and remain whole. It certainly cannot permit him a position of honor and prestige. If the courts will not preserve our society, we will do so ourselves.

b) Do not purchase Tesla vehicles; or any items advertised on Twitter; and close all Twitter accounts.

c) Sell all holdings of Tesla stock and stock of any company related to Musk.

Pass the message on. Remember, today they suffer, tomorrow it will be you, only united can we stand. We are done begging our politicians for justice, we must make our own. 

Copied from a email thread. 



  1. The People v. Musk. Or, beware who you trod upon on your way up because you will surely meet them on your way down.


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