Project America
Democracy assumes that the majority of the population cares about the country more than themselves. This is increasingly not so. As the Greeks warned so, pure democracy is dangerous.
If we have a democratic system where everyone focuses only on himself, everyone will keep garbing from the government, resulting in a erosion of social and moral values.
The following proposal is suggests a system that can promote the ideals on which the United States of America is founded, while providing a mechanism for transiting from the current system.
America citizenship is a honor to be earned, not a right to be demanded because of accident of birth.
Citizenship is open to everyone, regardless of race, language or creed.
1) All men are not equal. We acknowledge this by giving those that contribute more a greater number of votes, better welfare, medical care, etc.
2) There are twelve ranks of citizens.
3) Each citizen in ranks 1-10 is entitled to e^r votes, where r is his rank.
4) A citizen can gain a rank by sacrificing half his wealth or one million dollars, whichever is greater.
5) At birth, each citizen inherits the rank r-1, where r is the rank of his parents.
6) Anyone, from any nation may apply for American citizenship. He will start at rank 1, which entitles him to protection by American law, the privilege of paying taxes and the right to serve in the American military should he see fit.
7) Excellent military service will entitle a gain of citizenship rank proportionate to the quality of service.
8) Ranks 11 and 12 may only be held by men who have gained a medal of honor. They are entitled to 50,000 votes and 100,000 votes respectively.
9) The United States of America welcomes each and every country to join. If joining as a country, each person will start at rank 2.
System initialization:
We start by giving each current American citizen a rank of 10.
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